Tip: Waist bag for farrowing assistance
Use a waist bag to always have the supplies you need for farrowing assistance at hand.
Use a waist bag to always have the supplies you need for farrowing assistance at hand.
To ensure that each piglet intakes enough colostrum and to help the smallest piglets get it, split suckling should be used.
In this article, we focus on the key aspects of management to optimize performance from this genetic line of sows. We talked with Carlos Martins.
Javier Lorente tells us how to make newly weaned piglets comfortable and, above all, how to get them to start drinking and eating as soon as possible.
A very simple and functional panel for moving pigs in finishing barns.
What causes can lead to increased feed conversion ratio and mortality with worsened average daily gain?
Javier Lorente outlines step by step the keys to reducing piglet stress during the weaning process.
What can produce an increase in the feed conversion ratio and mortality without affecting average daily gain?
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Sign upAlready a member?This innovative ramp designed by Hylife improves piglet welfare and reduces physical strain on farm workers during the weaning process.
What can produce an increase in the feed conversion ratio and worsen average daily gain without altering mortality?
In this article, we focus on the key management aspects for the optimal performance of sows with these genetics. To do so, we talked to Pablo Magallón, Technical Service veterinarian with PIC South Europe.
What can cause an increase in the feed conversion ratio of pigs without altering mortality or average daily gain?
We went to visit Piggly, a sustainable farm from an environmental, production, animal welfare, and economic perspective.
Cross-fostering is a common practice in farrowing units. However, the emergence of hyperprolific sows has caused us to rethink the issue.
Everything you need to know to successfully wean your piglets.
Which environmental factors can affect the feed conversion ratio? Enric Marco talks about the effects of temperature and humidity.... they can make us lose money.
This system uses a small air stream at the sow's nose to improve her thermal comfort.
Which management factors can affect the feed conversion ratio? Enric Marco covers how all-in all-out, density, trough space, and filling and emptying of barns can lose us money.
Continuous monitoring of sow weight has significantly improved feed use efficiency and sow longevity.
Feed represents approximately 60% of the costs in pig production. It is therefore very important to have a good feed conversion ratio.
This tip uses a stamp to mark the sows that we should pay more attention to during farrowing.
This corridor allows sows to be moved with minimal intervention from the staff.
A simple, easy-to-build toy that will attract piglets to the feed dish to reduce post-weaning fasting.
Understanding the farrowing process and recognizing the signs for the different stages of birth, help us to develop management plans to improve the likelihood for live born piglets.
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Sign upAlready a member?Goggles, masks, earplugs, helmets, boots... We use a lot of PPE on farms, but maybe you hadn't thought of how to protect your fingers when grinding teeth. We'll show you.
Placement of the straw is important to give the sow access on days where she is confined and when she is loose.
Europe is preparing to eliminate farrowing crates in the next few years... Are farmers ready? Will this benefit the sows? What about the piglets?
Do you know the most effective, practically applicable, and economically feasible measures to reduce ammonia emissions? Proper application of these measures would meet the requirements set forth in the regulations.
Needle-free vaccination has many advantages over conventional vaccination, but it is not as comfortable to do. This trick gives us a solution.
Low birth weight increases mortality during the lactation period and affects the productive life of piglets until slaughter. This article attempts to answer the question: Is pre-weaning mortality related to a birth weight threshold?
To have good gilt performance, producers and vets must value those gilts and invest accordingly. Dr. Clayton Johnson from Carthage Veterinary Services shares some tips about gilt productive development.
Castration remains prevalent in European countries, although the systems used differ from country to country.