Swine news - Management
Northern Ireland: new guide to help farmers improve the environment by reducing ammonia emissions
Chile: Handbook on good animal welfare management practices in pig production
German farmers will be allowed to anaesthetise piglets to castrate them
Germany: the EU approves the animal welfare labelling
Belgium strengthens animal welfare at the abattoirs
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USA: AVMA releases its first-ever guidelines for depopulation of animals
Denmark: Targeted focus on animal welfare in pig housing
Canada: changes to humane transport requirements under the Health of Animals Regulations
EU: to facilitate a sustainable use of fertilisers for all farmers
Germany presents a new animal welfare labelling
Klöckner: “We make animal welfare more visible from birth to slaughter.”
Piglet mortality in The Netherlands: goals not reached
EU: MEPs want to improve transport conditions for animals
Brazil publishes a good pig production practices handbook
Denmark wants to reduce piglet tail docking
Protection of animals during transport within and outside the EU: draft report
Germany allows the castration of piglets without anaesthesia for two more years
The transition period for the prohibition of the castration of piglets of less than 7 days of age without anaesthesia is extended for two years.