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Constipation in sows, a hidden enemy

The constant search for solutions to challenges in management, health, reproduction, nutrition, and feeding—and their interactions—should be a technical principle if we aim to maximize the genetic potential of our farms.

Interest in incorporating insect meal in piglet feed

All livestock sectors are seeking to reduce imports of raw protein materials. Insect meals belong to the category of concentrated protein sources, but their nutritional characteristics are poorly documented and attempts to incorporate them into swine feed have been the subject of few publications.

Pig glossary

Definition for the most commonly used pig terms


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Data sheets: raw materials and additives

Technical sheets of the main raw materials and additives used in swine feed. They include a comparison of nutritional values ​​from various sources, product


Figure 1. Five keys for achieving safe compound feed

Five keys for achieving safe compound feed

In the previous article, we learned about the concept of feed safety, its impact on swine production, and the responsibility of the compound feed industry in the food chain. Now we will focus on how to practically apply this concept in the compound feed production process.

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