Abstracts - Nutrition
Catechins during gestation
Feeding 20% soybean hulls to grower-finisher pigs with or without enzyme supplementation
Energy supplementation to neonatal piglets of low birth weight
Comparing efficacy of different xylanases on wheat or corn co–product diets
Effect of feeding different levels of sugar beet pulp on weaning piglets

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Iron deficiency and anemia in piglets and the effect of iron status at weaning on post-weaning performance
Amylose/amylopectin ratio affects carcass traits and meat quality in finishing pigs
Reference values for immunocrit ratios to assess maternal antibody uptake in 1-day-old piglets
The effect of feeding a diet formulated for developing gilts on lameness indicators and carcass traits
Environmental impact of replacing soybean meal with rapeseed meal in diets of finishing pigs
Behaviour of fattening pigs fed with liquid feed and dry feed

Requirement of standardized ileal digestible valine to lysine ratio for 8- to 14-kg pigs
Oral vaccine platform based on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to combat PCV2
Nutrient and energy digestibility of wheat bran at high inclusion levels
Effects of sex and dietary lysine on performances and serum and meat traits in finisher pigs
Use of feeding strategies during the suckling period to better thrive the weaning process
The influences of weaning age and weight on carcass traits

Data sheets: raw materials and additives

Effects of dietary 0.5% aniseed extract on milk yield of sows and their offspring
Feeding low energy and high fibre diets increases the concentraction of linoleic acid and iodine value in pork
Moderate changes in the nutrition of gestating sows have no harmful effects on the development of their offspring
Improving nutritional value of pig diets by fermentation and enzyme addition
Inclusion of the probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum B2984 in the diet of piglets
NIRS technology can be used as a quick tool to evaluate digestibility


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