Abstracts - Nutrition
Dietary supplementation with L-Arginine partially counteracts serum metabonome induced by weaning stress in piglets
Tryptophan:lysine ratios in diets containing 30% of DDGS on growth performance of 71 to 125 kg pigs
Effects of adding cracked corn to a pelleted supplement for nursery and finishing pigs
The effect of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) in drinking water on the growth of pigs
Effect of feeding 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on prenatal porcine skeletal muscle development

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Dietary addition of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG impairs the health of Escherichia coli F4 challenged piglets
Effect of oat by-product antioxidants and vitamin E on the oxidative stability of pork
Effects of dietary L-carnitine and DDGS on growth, carcass characteristics, and loin and fat quality of growing-finishing pigs
Nutritional intervention during gestation alters growth and body composition of pig offspring
Bovine calostrum is superior to enriched formulas in stimulating intestinal function in preterm pigs
Intrauterine growth retarded progeny of pregnant sows fed high protein:low carbohydrate

Protective effects of N-acetylcysteine on intestinal functions of piglets challenged with lipopolysaccharide
Effects on performance characteristics of immunologically castrated male pigs using different levels of lysine in the diets
Replacement of antibiotics with by-products of oriental medicinal plants
Dietary long-chain n-3 PUFA, gut microbiota and fat mass in early postnatal piglet development
Determination and prediction of digestible and metabolizable energy of corn coproducts fed to finishing pigs
Fermentable fibre ameliorates fermentable protein-induced changes in microbial ecology in the colon of piglets

Data sheets: raw materials and additives

The effects of diet form and feeder design on the growth performance of finishing pigs
Impact of dietary energy level and ractopamine on growth performance in finishing pigs
The effect of increasing dietary fibre and the provision of straw racks on the welfare of sows housed in small static groups
Effects of folic acid on the performance of suckling piglets and sows during lactation
Interaction between dietary tryptophan and pyridoxine on tryptophan in post-weaning pigs
Effects of high dietary fibre from by-products diets on plasma metabolites in gestating sows


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