It has been 20 years since the outbreak of PCVD, one of the diseases that has had the greatest impact on pig health today. All the veterinarians who suffered it remember it well, but viruses and epidemiology are dynamic elements. What has changed?
The effectiveness of the vaccine resolved any doubts about the central role of PCV2 in the disease, but it remains a multifactorial disease where environmental conditions, stocking density and especially genetics play very important roles. Unknowns include new strains of PCV2 and changes in epidemiology caused by mass vaccination of farms.

To mark this milestone, Joaquim Segalés has written an article taking stock of these two decades and reflecting on the current situation. We at 333, together with the sponsorship of Boehringer Ingelhem, wanted to create a monograph that compiles the main articles and abstracts published on Pig333, to which we will be adding new content in the coming month.
You can access the monograph on PCV2 here.