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333 renews its presence as media partner at the 27th IPVS and 15th ESPHM

For yet another year and uninterruptedly since 2012, 333 will be present at the leading scientific meeting of the global swine industry.

15 May 2024

333, the leading professional community for the swine industry with more than 135,000 users, is proud to announce its collaboration as a media partner in the upcoming 27th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress (IPVS) and the 15th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM), which will take place in Leipzig (Germany) from June 4 to 7.

The International Pig Veterinary Society Congress is the world's leading scientific meeting of the swine industry and is held every two years. Following the success of the Rio de Janeiro event in 2022, this year's congress promises to be another highlight.

333's presence at the congress underscores our commitment to drive innovation, promote scientific research, and facilitate networking opportunities within the swine community.

For media inquiries or to arrange interviews with 333 representatives during the congress, please do not hesitate to contact us: info@pig333.com

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