The Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism approved the resolution of the call for aid to the Innovative Business Groups AEI2022 Next Generation, within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
333 Corporate, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Selección Batallé SA, i+Porc and INNOVACC have received approval for the project with a budget of €149,330 and a provisionally approved aid of €109,094.

INGRENERGI. Predictive energy calculation tool for pig feed ingredients.
Commodity prices, especially cereal prices, are continually rising due to the increase in global demand. In the autumn of 2021, the price of these raw materials rose by between 35% and 45% to reach record levels, higher than those seen in 2007. In the ingredients used to manufacture animal feed, the energy content always accounts for more than 50% of the cost of the feed and in some cases can exceed 75%. Energy is mainly provided by raw materials (mainly cereals, protein supplements, and in some cases co-products). The average energy content of feed ingredients can be obtained from the different composition tables published by different organizations (FEDNA, NRC, INRA, CVB, etc.), but these values do not usually reflect the variability within each raw material which can exceed 10 or 12% for many of these.
This project proposes the creation of a tool to provide a predictive calculation of metabolizable energy (ME) and net energy (NE) for different ingredients used in feed for both breeding sows and growing pigs (piglets and finishing pigs) and to be able to predict the energy content of batches of raw materials that vary furthest from the average.