3tres3.com was born in April 1998, so in a few months it will be 20 years old on the internet. Everything has changed a lot since then (you only have to see the first designs). In the beginning, we had to connect to the web through noisy and extremely slow modems, now you can have 333 permanently in your pocket (have you not yet downloaded 333's App?). Apart from the technological abyss of these two decades, there is another factor that has led us to this radical change: in 20 years we have accumulated thousands of articles and news and our old system of sections had become obsolete. For this reason, we have decided to eliminate the sections and group all the content by topic:
News | Pig Health | Economy | Nutrition | Genetics and Reproduction | Management | Facilities and equipment

We have also redesigned the entire home, first we have added a Front page with the latest publications, regardless of their topic. Next, there is a space for each topic, showing the last published content in each area. These thematic spaces can be hidden, if there is a topic that does not interest you.
We hope that you like this new change as much as we do.

Old designs of pig333