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Here is the winner of the 50,000 users mark raffle!


This year we have beaten the 50,000 users mark, and to celebrate it we raffled an iPad Air2 among the users whose profiles were complete. The winner has been Oana Nenu, from Romania.

26 April 2016

By the end of January we announced, with great pleasure, that we had beaten the 50,000 registered users mark, and that we were starting a personal details updating campaign. We were going to raffle an iPad Air2 among all the users with a photograph and that filled in the photo, name, job and country sections (and had them visible in their public profile) before March 31st 2016.

The campaign ended on the expected date, and the winner was Oana Nenu, from Romania, to whom we sent her prize.

Oana Nenu

Congratulations to her and thank you to all of you that updated your profile: you have all won, because on completing it, you make yourselves more visible in the 333 community and it will be easier for you to interact between yourselves.

Remember that you can publish in your profile, follow one another, 'like' the articles that you fancy, follow your favourite authors or markets, or even create private discussion groups.

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26-Apr-2016 miquel-crisolCongratulations!!
24-May-2016 tomi-olatundeFelicitare Oana.
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33,333 users!


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