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Introducing the 333 Experience Congress Spain 2021

After a successful first 333 online Experience Congress held in Latin America in November 2020, we are now looking forward to the next edition in Spain.

31 March 2021

The event will be held online and joins two other 333 Experience Congresses that will take place this year: the second edition of the event in Latin America and our first 333 Experience Congress in Asia.

We want to offer you something innovative- something different from traditional events. We have prepared an original program that includes several issues that will have a clear impact on our industry in the short and medium-term.

On May 11, 12, and 13 we will be hosting 9 sessions with excellent speakers and exceptional moderators, all on an online and interactive platform. The facilitated interactive event will surely encourage dialogue and exchange of ideas. Another highlight will be the opportunity to interact with other participants and establish new connections in the networking sessions.

This virtual space will also allow attendees to directly contact our sponsors and collaborators.

Tickets are limited. Reserve your spot today! (Conference will be in Spanish)ña

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