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Introducing the new 333 social network icon

As we wrap up our 25th-anniversary celebrations, we're excited to unveil a fresh icon for the 333 social network and encourage companies to showcase it on their websites.

3 May 2024

After a momentous year marking twenty-five years of 333, we are thrilled to unveil the new icon for the 333 social network—the sole platform dedicated to the swine industry, enabling users to connect, share expertise, and engage with one another. Featuring a sleek, modern design, this icon embodies 333's unwavering dedication to innovation and its vibrant global community in the swine industry.

This new design is available for companies to download that are on the 333 social network. This initiative enables them to integrate it alongside other social network icons they already use, such as Facebook or Instagram. By doing so, they can showcase their affiliation with the leading professional community in the swine industry, ultimately attracting more followers.

Example of where to place the new icon
Example of where to place the new icon

To get the new icon, click HERE and select the color that fits your website best. If you require technical support for button installation, our team is here to assist you.

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