Pig333 is proud to present a new website design. We hope you find the updated look reflects our commitment to professionalism and quality content.
It is now even easier to find your favorite content and relevant news with the new menu bar. Hover over a section of the menu to display specific sub-categories, tools, and resources to more quickly get you to the industry’s most pertinent information.

The new layout of the homepage allows you to see more news and articles at a glance, and clearly features the current market prices.
The new design also facilitates networking with buttons conveniently located along the left side of every article, allowing you to share content with your colleagues and friends via email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Telegram without having to leave the 333 site. Save your favorite articles to return to later with the bookmark button.
Don't miss a beat with the display of the site’s most-read articles and the articles generating the most user comments.
We are proud to have been your trusted source of swine news and resources for over 20 years, and we are committed to always improving our user’s experience.
January 27, 2020 - Pig333