Almost all the industry visits Pig333 sooner or later. What a better place to get a feeling about what is going on? We will periodically ask a question about interesting issues on pig production: are you vaccinating against a certain disease?, do you carry out a specific husbandry protocol?, do you think something should be changed on Pig333?, what are the main challenges faced by the industry?... or, if you have a suggestion, you can send it to us.
Let's start with a hot topic... What's the maximum price that you think pigs will reach?
For sure it is a question that you've asked yourself more than once (and you may even have placed a bet on it!)
The question will remain open for some weeks and after that time period it will not be possible to answer it. Once it is closed, we will analyse the results and publish them on the webpage.
You surely have an opinion on the matter... Would you like to share it?