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Introducing our new section: " Raw materials statistics"

Which countries are the biggest producers of soybean meal? How have Chinese corn imports evolved? Does the EU import a lot of soybeans? How much corn did Argentina produce last year?

27 May 2021

The answer to these and other questions explains many of the fluctuations in the prices of raw materials, which play an important role in the final cost of pig production and whose evolution is of great interest to the industry. With the importance of the evolution of the production and trade of raw materials in mind, we created this new section, "Raw materials statistics", where you will find data on the main producing, exporting, and importing countries of soybeans, soybean meal, corn, wheat, and barley, starting from the year 2000.

The data is presented in an interactive, graphical format that allows you to quickly and visually get an idea of the evolution and changes in production and trade, such as the dramatic increase in corn imports that China is currently experiencing (Graph 1) or combined bar graphs that quickly give an idea of the evolution and productive magnitude of each region (Graph 2).

We hope you find this interesting!

Graph 1. Major world corn importers.

Graph 1. Major world corn importers.

Graph 2. Annual production in the main soybean-producing countries.

Graph 2. Annual production in the main soybean-producing countries.

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