During March, all the 333 webs held an active survey on the IDAL® needleless vaccination system. With this survey, MSD hoped to know the strengths and weaknesses of its needleless syringe before the launching of its new version. Your participation during this month has been a real success, and your opinions will be very valuable for MSD.

As announced in the survey, the 50 first to answer the survey received a copy of the PRRSv guide, written by Alejandro Ramírez, and two thermographic FLIR E5 cameras were raffled among all the participants. We don’t have photographs of the 50 winners of the guide (if you have received it, we encourage you to publish your photo in your user space), but we did ask for them to the lucky winners of the raffle:

Rafael T. Pallás, from Las Rozas, Madrid (left) and Germán Moya, from La Muela, Saragossa (right)