Since 1st January 2009 has officially been up and running. In this way we bring to an end the test period called “beta version” which we began last November.
After 10 years of generating content on pigs in Spanish on, 7 years in Portuguese on and 5 years in French on we are finally proud to present the English version. Currently, the “333 group” has more than 15,500 registered users.
The design of the new page is much more up-to-date, similar to that of a blog where the user can contribute through comments on each article, and we hope to become the English reference website on the swine sector, as we are in Spanish. What makes us different from other swine websites is the quality and independence of our content which is created by the best known international experts and covers every step of swine production, which we call “pig to pork”.
We have started sending the latest swine news every day or every week, and nutrimail every fortnight, to the users subscribed to each particular section. We continue to publish the opinions of the best known international experts on diverse aspects of the swine sector (what the experts say), the articles of Scott A. Dee on PRRS, those of Joaquim Segalés on circovirus, articles on nutrition from various authors, the monthly cartoon in humor, the latest prices from international markets in markets and prices, the most interesting coming events in calendar, the best videos on the swine sector, detailed reports on events (reports), business or company news to inform on movement in the sector and a forum.
Little by little we will be adding more sections that cover other fields of interest for you.