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All you need in one sheet!


How to have all the information about the weanings available in a simple way.

This trick consists in gathering all the data about the nurseries, from the entrance to the exit of the piglets, in a single sheet.

We shall write down, in an Excel sheet, all the programming of this stage regarding feed type, vaccines, temperature regulation, mortality, weaning date, entrance day in the farrowing rooms (it may coincide or not), average age of the weaned piglets and the letter of the month of birth that they have tattooed on their rear leg (as required by the protected geographical indication [PGI] Prosciutto de Parma, to which this farm belongs).

This will serve as a control, and above all, as a guide of the tasks to be carried out in this stage and to avoid involuntary mistakes. It is, for example, very easy (or very common) to use a certain feed for longer than needed, and not because it is necessary, but because we have forgotten the dates or because we don't have them close at hand. This mistake surely entails an increase in the average price of the feed used during this period. Also, in this stage it is easy to have 3 or even 4 kinds of feed, so establishing the dates from the beginning helps the operator to follow the indications correctly. It is very different to follow directions like “change the feed 20 days after weaning” or “change the feed when the piglets reach 12 kg LW” than to establish, from the moment of weaning, all the dates of the different tasks.

Therefore, with an Excel sheet like the one in the photo, we can have not only the planned dates for the feed changes, but also the planned dates for vaccinations, temperature regulation and any other thing that you wish to add. You will only have to calculate the days when the tasks have to be performed and save them. In this way, with every new batch we will only have to add the weaning date so all the sheet autocompletes itself.

Good job!

Download the Excel sheet <p>Excel</p>

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