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Are there sows returning to estrus?

If I see a farrowing rate less than 85%, the next question I should ask is, "Are there sows returning to estrus?"

Sows that return to estrus are those that after having been serviced and without having farrowed or aborted, come into heat.

Total returns should not exceed 8%.

Total returns are >8%

Total returns are <8%

Situations with total returns greater than 8% should be investigated. If total returns are not greater than 8% but the farrowing rate is less than 85% we should consider other possible causes for the gestation losses. Use the buttons above to continue troubleshooting, or navigate using the flowchart to access the different parts of the tool.

Types of gestation losses that can lower the farrowing rate, detailing the different types of returns to estrus based on they occur.
Types of gestation losses that can lower the farrowing rate, detailing the different types of returns to estrus based on they occur.

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