On the farms it is not easy to keep a constant control of room environment, because many times, the doors and windows do not maintain their position, and we do not retain the temperatures when allowing the hot air to enter cooler areas. At the same time, air draughts appear and reduce the animals' comfort. On the other hand, when carrying out different duties with the animals, it is not always easy to remember to close all the doors, and this is not possible sometimes, because our hands are full of syringes, chalk or other things (even piglets).
On this farm, where there are several workers reluctant to keeping the doors closed, a very easy system was implemented: it consists in fastening a rope to the wall, over the frame of the door, on the right side (of the side towards which the door opens) and make it go through a ring that is placed on the upper right corner of the door to be closed.

The length of the rope will depend on the opening that we want to allow the door to have (longer if we want to keep it more open), and we will attach a counterweight at the end of the rope.
In this way, when opening the door, pushing it with the body, the hand, etc., we will open it enough so as to pass to the other side, and when we release the pressure, the weight will push the door back to its original position, closing it.
On this farm, we also took advantage of making a hole in the middle of the door, so with a single door pin we can lock the door from both sides, saving a little bit on material.