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Control of the feed weight

We need to know, at all moments, which amount of feed are the sows eating, so we will weigh the feed at least once per week.

The control of the feed on a farm is essential. If there are changes in the density of the feed, the feeding curves of our sows may become affected. In order to avoid this shift factor, it is advisable to weigh the feed at least once per week.

Feed control sheet

Weighing the feed with a dynamometer

To do so we have a sheet placed on the wall that will be used for monitoring the changes in the density of each batch of feed.

Each week we weigh the same volume in a dispenser and we make a note on the sheet, and we do the same when we change the silo we are using. We weigh the feed once again 24 hours after the change.

This is useful for knowing, at all moments, which amount the sows are eating and for being able to adjust the ration changes.

In the farrowing rooms we increase the ration each day, so it is essential to know if the density changes. If it is higher we will not increase the amount, and if it is lower the increase in the amount will be higher. During gestation this helps us to supply the precise ration that we wish to give to each sow in each moment.

At the same time we reflect on the sheet the date of the disinfection of the silos. In this way it is very easy to be able to control when we have to do so.

It is a very easy task and, if well implemented, it can provide savings in terms of feed and time.

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