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Easy administering of oral products to piglets

On this farm, the oral drug is introduced in a 1-litre bottle hanged upside-down (like a drip) from the cart used for tending to the piglets.

18 August 2014

The use of oral products in piglets during their first days of life is a common practice during their first days of life, and coccidiostats are probably the drugs used routinely with a higher frequency. Most of them are administered with a dispenser directly fitted on the medicine bottle.

In order to simplify this process, on this farm the oral drug is introduced in a 1-litre bottle hanged upside-down (like a drip) from the cart used for tending to the piglets.

The dispenser is fitted on the bottle through a quite long pipe, and this facilitates the administering of the product from any place around the cart.

The dispenser is fitted on the bottle through a long pipe, and this facilitates the administering of the product from any place around the cart.

A piece of string going under a metallic cable tie allows us to hold the bottle upside-down, hanging from a bar with a small hook.

A piece of string going under a metallic cable tie allows us to hold the bottle upside-down, hanging from a bar with a small hook. It is essential that the cap to which the pipe is attached has two holes so a vacuum is not generated inside the bottle.

On this farm, the oral drug is introduced in a 1-litre bottle hanged upside-down (like a drip) from the cart used for tending to the piglets.

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