On sow farms, sows have to move from one unit to another: at the end of lactation, they move from the farrowing room to the breeding room, then from the crates to the pens where they are housed in groups, and at the end of gestation they move back to the farrowing room.

When the various units are located within the same barn, or in connected barns, the animals move along the same corridors used by humans, but when the different production areas are in different barns (especially on large farms) often separated by tens of meters, the sows are moved freely, with the intervention of several workers to avoid unwanted "deviations".

If the distance is not too great, it is possible to provide a "corridor" to direct the sows and facilitate movement, with minimal staff intervention.

This is precisely what this farm has done. Using old pen dividers joined by crossbars, they have created a sectional, movable aisle that directs the animals to their destination very well.

If the corridor does not need to be movable, another option is to attach the sides to the wall with a brace.