On a sow farm, animals are frequently moved between different units.
Sows move between different rooms according to the different production phases (mating, gestation, farrowing room). Piglets move from the farrowing room to be weaned and then to the nursery, finishing barn, or to market.

When animals are moved within the barn, the corridors allow the animals to be directed, whereas when animals are moved between two different buildings, specially designed panels or barriers are needed to direct the pigs.

This farmer made a movable metal barrier that, when not in use, can be leaned against the barn wall without getting in the way.
- It is equipped with two small solid wheels to facilitate its movement.
- It is designed to be connected to other similar barriers to create a long fence wall between two buildings.
- It is equipped with two legs that allow the fence to remain (almost) vertical during use. The legs can be closed and locked when not in use.