In the first installment, we started a necropsy on a piglet in lateral decubitus. We covered the external examination and opened the thoracic and abdominal cavity. In this second installment, we cover extracting and examining the tongue, trachea, lungs, and heart together. Once in the abdominal cavity, we will locate the ileocecal valve, ileum, kidneys, adrenal glands and lymph nodes, and the hepatic lymph node.
We will remove the spleen and ligate and cut the rectum before it enters the pelvis (in the previous installment we had ligated the esophagus). This will allow us to remove the stomach, intestines, and pancreas without losing intestinal content. Once removed, we will observe the mesenteric lymph nodes.

After this, we will proceed to remove the liver.
We will extract the urinary and genital tracts together. The presentation shows images of a male and a female.
Then we will move on to the head where, with the help of a saw, we will make a nasal cut at the first premolar level to visualize the nasal turbinates.
Finally, we will cut the skull to access the cerebrum and cerebellum, which we will extract by cutting the olfactory bulb, optic chiasm, pituitary gland, and cranial nerves.
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