It is important that clothes and boots used on the farm are never taken outside it and therefore they must be cleaned and disinfected right there, so it is necessary to have boots of different sizes. The use of a boot rack will allow us to maintain a certain order. In addition it allows to visualize if the cleaning has been properly carried out, since the sole is exposed, which also will facilitate its drying up after washing.

There are many types of boot racks in the market, but we can build one ourselves with something available on any farm: a pallet. The only tools needed are a carpenter's hammer and a saw.

We cut the pallet through one of the two halves and then proceed to disassemble the larger part, hitting the boards from behind, since the nails of the pallets have spiral shank that makes their removal quite difficult.

Some of the boards may break during the process, but it is no problem because we will not need them all. Once dismantled, we remove the nails with the help of the carpenter's hammer, since we will use the nails to build our boot rack.

The nails of the pallets have spiral shank that makes their extraction quite difficult.

We use the central beam (the thicker one, the green one in the pallet of the photo) and nails to close the rack structure.

The structure is closed with one of the thick beams that were separated.
Then we nailed six inclined boards using the rest of nails.

Just cut the back of the boards.
At this point, cut the back of the boards so that the rack can lean against the wall.

With this step, the rack is finished. It can be attached to a wall so it does not overturn with the weight of the boots.
With a pallet we have got a rack for 3 pairs of boots, which will not take up too much space, when it is fixed to the wall. You can make a second rack and place it just above it. By adjusting the inclined crossbars, 7 boots can be placed.