Uncontrolled fermentations with liquid feeeding are the cause of many production problems, rejection of feed, drop in feed intake or even bloated pigs if they go on inside the body of the animal.

Photo 1. Pig affected by an excess of fermentations that proliferate inside the body of the animal.
They are mainly caused by yeasts that, when in contact with oxygen, proliferate without control. Also, high temperatures favour this process. On the other hand, for the proliferation, the sugars of the raw materials are used, and this will cause a drop in the dry matter and the quality of the liquid feed mix. All this can have a very negative influence at a production and economic level, so we must try to avoid them.
In order to identify quickly if there is an excessive yeast proliferation on the farm, we only have to, more or less half fill a plastic bottle with the "mix", just before giving it to the animals. We will close the bottle and leave it to rest for 20 minutes at least. If gas comes out when we open it, this is beause the are too many fermentations. We must be careful when opening it, because if there is too much gas the liquid can come out violently.
Photo 2. If the bottle becomes deformed, this is telling us that there is an excessive gas production.