dead sows?dead sows?reasons culled sowsreasons culled sowsthroughout gestationthroughout gestationat specific pointat specific pointsummer-autumnsummer-autumnculled pregnant sows?culled pregnant sows?reasons for open sowsreasons for open sowsall paritiesall paritiesparity 1parity 1non-infectious causesnon-infectious causesinfectious causesinfectious causessowsowsemen/boarsemen/boaropen sows?open sows?abortion parityabortion paritylatelateirregularirregularregularregularearlyearlyabortions?abortions?type of returnstype of returnsreturns?returns?Farrowing rateFarrowing rate
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Late returns to estrus

What are the causes of these returns?

Late returns to estrus occur between 45-59 days post-service.

Under normal conditions these should make up a very small percentage of the matings < 1%.

Late returns are considered separately as they may be the result of several possible factors:

  • Return after an abortion that was not seen. The movement of sows to the group gestation pens once gestation is confirmed is often responsible for late embryonic losses or early abortions that result in sows with late oestrus.
  • Poor detection of returns during the first month of gestation.
    • Result of two regular returns in which the first one was not detected (e.g.: 23 +22 = 45).
    • Result of an undetected irregular return followed by a regular one (e.g. 29 + 21=50 days).

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Types of gestation losses that can lower the farrowing rate, detailing the different types of returns to estrus based on they occur.
Types of gestation losses that can lower the farrowing rate, detailing the different types of returns to estrus based on they occur.
Seen 652 times

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