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Protecting the ultrasound scanner with cling film

Wrap the ultrasound scanner in cling film to improve the biosecurity measures


Wrap the ultrasound scanner in cling film to improve the biosecurity measures.



The ultrasound scanner is a frequently-used tool, and it is often shared between several farms. Sometimes, an ultrasound scanner may enter different farms in a single day. This represents a potential risk for the transmission of diseases between farms, compromising the biosecurity measures if we do not act correctly.

The ultrasound scanner must always be cleaned thoroughly after each visit, and a disinfectant should also be applied. Nevertheless, some models have a leather case so we can carry them by hanging them from our shoulder. These leather cases are normally incompatible with a good hygiene.

To simplify the cleaning of the ultrasound scanner and to improve the biosecurity measures, a good option is to do without the leather case and wrap completely the ultrasound scanner in cling film (like the one used in kitchens).

The probe can also be wrapped in cling film, but we must make a small hole on the tip so the gel penetrates.

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