
Selftest - Why disease is the most expensive part of pig production?

2 November 2010

Remember that you must be logged in to view the results of the test.

web->mysqli->query($query); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)){ echo "$row->pregunta"; $query = "SELECT * from avaluacions_respostes WHERE id_pregunta=$row->id_pregunta ORDER BY num_resposta"; $result2 = $this->web->mysqli->query($query); echo "
    "; while ($row2 = mysqli_fetch_object($result2)){ if ($realitzat){ $seleccionada = ($row2->num_resposta==$respostes_usuari[$row->num_pregunta]); $selected = ($seleccionada)? " checked='checked'" : ""; $imatge = ($row2->correcte)? "check" : "delete"; echo "
  • "; } else echo "
  • "; } echo "
"; if ($realitzat){ echo "


"; } } if ($logat && !$realitzat){ ?>
Finalize"; } if ($realitzat){ //Mostrar el resum $query = "SELECT correctes,incorrectes FROM avaluacions_resultats WHERE id_user=$id_user AND id_avaluacio=$id_avaluacio"; $result = $this->web->mysqli->query($query); $row= mysqli_fetch_object($result); echo "Results"; echo "

Correct: $row->correctes Incorrect: $row->incorrectes

"; } ?>

Article Comments

This area is not intended to be a place to consult authors about their articles, but rather a place for open discussion among pig333.com users.
27-Dec-2010Daniel šperlingDaniel šperlingVery good and interesting education model, thank you
22-Jun-2011Mark StapletonMark StapletonAs always Dr. Deen provides a thorough and thoughtful approach, and leaves you with much to think about. I think the test is also a valuable tool.
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