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Design of pig facilities. Strategic points for the future (3/3): Climate change


Climate changes have forced governments around the world to enforce legislation to reduce the carbon footprint from all parts of society including pig production.

Lately, climate changes have forced governments around the world to enforce legislation to reduce the carbon footprint from all parts of society including pig production. Many new technologies supporting these demands have evolved.

Green-house gases

Green-house gases (GHG) have become of increasing concern during the last decades because of their potential harmful effects on the global climate. Emission of gases from livestock production, that includes carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxides (N2O or N2X), is one of the major contributors of GHG. In addition, ammonia (NH3) emission is also of concern with respect to sensitive nature.

In pig production, manure management is a source of both CH4 and N2O emissions. Liquid manure systems dominate while dry manure and straw-based systems are more present in extensive and organic pig production. Most GHG emissions from liquid manure management are in the form of CH4 while N2O is less present and develops more in dry manure systems. Here, the focus is on large scale pig production and therefore mainly on liquid manure systems.

Table 1. Distribution of CO2-equivalents (CO2-e) emission per pig from birth to finish at 115 kg (SEGES, 2021).

Kg CO2-e Distribution %
Piglet* Wean-30 kg 30-115 kg Total
Feed intake 26 40 119 185 67
Methane, feces 6 6 35 47 17
Methane, intestinal gases 2 2 11 15 6
N2O, feces 3 2 12 17 6
Energy use 3 4 5 12 5
Total 40 54 182 276 100

*Including contribution from the sow.

While attempting to reduce GHG it is important to know how it is possible to obtain the highest reduction with the least cost. From the table above it is clear that feed constitutes the largest contributor to GHG while methane in feces is second largest. Obviously, the feed contribution can only be reduced by higher feed efficiency which is mainly attributed better genetics. So, therefore focus is mainly on reduction of methane, N2O and more energy conserving technologies. The most important technologies are presented below.

Slurry cooling

The temperature of slurry is usually around 20-24 oC, similar to the room temperature in the pig unit. At decreasing temperatures, the growth of microorganisms will be lower and the production of CH4, CO2 and NH3 will decrease exponentially with decreasing temperature.

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of slurry cooling.

  • Reduce emission of GHG.
  • Might be used for recovering energy that can be used for heating of farrowing and weaner units and staff areas with floor and room heating.
  • Retained N from reduced ammonia emission might increase the value of the slurry as fertilizer.
  • If the heat surplus generated from slurry cooling cannot be used, then the cost will be too high in most cases.

Slurry cooling is established by installing 25-30 mm PEL-pipes in the concrete base of the slurry pit. The pipes are installed with a distance of 30-40 cm and attached to the reinforcement steel. A closed circuit of pipes connected to one or several heat pumps carries cold water through the base of the slurry pit reducing the slurry temperature while heating the water inside the pipe. The heat pump works like a refrigerator and cools the water while transferring the recovered heat to a pipe system for hot water used for heating areas where the heat is needed typically farrowing and weaner units. The heat pump is operated by electricity and the output of heat is generally 4 times higher than the input of energy in kW. If the recovered heat is utilized fully then the GHG effect is 1.0, 0.8, and 3.4 kg CO2-e per pig including sows for piglets, 7-30 kg pigs, and 30-115 kg pigs, respectively with a cooling effect of 10 W/m2.

Table 3. Slurry cooling – effects and investment cost.

Slurry cooling – cooling and emissions
Cooling, W/m2 Reduction of emission, % Investment, EUR/pig place
NH3 CH4 Odour
10 8-14 10-15 8 7-10
20 15-25 20-25 15 10-13
30 22-32 30-35 20 11-14

Frequent removal of slurry

Slurry is a mixture of urine, feces, and water, and when left unmanaged it can decompose and produce CH4. By removing the slurry frequently and applying it to crops as a fertilizer, the decomposition process can be controlled. The frequency of slurry removal is generally once every 7 days.

Table 4. Advantages and disadvantages of frequent removal of slurry.

  • Reduce CH4 and NH3 emissions.
  • Maintain the N content in the liquid before it evaporates as it has been estimated that frequent removal of slurry results in 6-12 kg less CO2-e per finisher (SEGES, 2021).
  • Do not require extra investment cost in the model farm which already has this system.
  • Fresh slurry has a better biogas potential as compared to older manure. Therefore, the effect on GHG is even higher if the slurry is utilized for production of biogas. The system is primarily relevant in finisher houses and sow unit while it cannot be used in weaner barns due to small amounts of slurry.
  • Labor cost increases slightly due to more frequent emptying of pits. In Denmark the extra cost is 0.4 EUR/finisher with weekly removal of slurry. In new barns with automatic removal of slurry the cost is 0.3 EUR/finisher which covers the investment cost. In Denmark an extra cost of 1.1 EUR/finisher is considered as the maximum for use of environmental technologies.

In conventional slurry systems plugs are pulled via a rod through the slot opening. It is important to start with the slurry plug in the section furthest away from the reception tank to remove all waste. The slurry is transferred in a pipe from the pig section to the main pipe which leads the slurry into the reception tank. The system might be automated including valves placed strategically in the pipeline which are opened via an electrically switch.

Table 5. Frequent removal of slurry – effects on emission.

Weekly removal of slurry, reduction of emission, %
NH3 CH4 Odour
0 90 20


An acid is added and mixed with the slurry to reduce its pH level.

  • Acidification helps in controlling the release of NH3. The addition of acids, such as sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid promotes the conversion of ammonium to ammonium-sulfate or ammonium-chloride, respectively, reducing the volatility of NH3.
  • The climate effect has been estimated as 39 kg CO2-e per ton of slurry.
  • Acidification inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, improving overall hygiene.
  • The value of slurry as fertilizer is increased due to higher nitrogen and sulfur content.
  • Acidification of slurry has a substantial effect on GHG but not on odour unless odour reducing technology is applied.
  • The system is costly to use, and its relevance is highly dependent on local authorities’ environmental demands.
    • Investment includes acid, processing tanks and control system.
    • The capacity of an acidification system is around 10,000 finisher places.
    • The cost of using this technology has been estimated as 2.4 EUR/finisher under Danish conditions.
    • Main cost items are acid, electricity, and maintenance.
    • The system is relevant in all climate zones where the slurry is used as a fertilizer.

The technology comprises a conventional slurry system inside the pig barns but without plugs. The slurry is released from the barns daily and stored in a process tank. Then an acid, commonly sulfuric acid (93-96% concentration), is carefully added to the slurry. Acid is added from a container placed on weigh cells to control the consumption. Around 11-13 kg of acid is used per ton of slurry. Sensors measuring pH constitute the main basis of control. When the pH level in the slurry-acid mix reaches 5.5 most of the mixture is pumped back into the pits of the pig barns while the rest is pumped to a storage tank. The pit area of the pig barns is divided in units of 1,000-1,500 m2 which is emptied and filled with processed slurry.

Odour emissions might be reduced by adding a drum filter which separates the solids from the liquid. The combined system is certified as BAT and might reduce odour by 61%.

A recent study at Aarhus university indicates that it might be possible to reduce the amount of acid to 2-3 kg/ton of slurry while obtaining a strong effect on CH4 and NH3 reduction. Therefore, low-dose acidification might be a viable strategy for GHG mitigation. Furthermore, new investigations using acetic acid (CH3COOH) instead of sulfuric acid might reduce cost of operation and make the system more applicable in countries where sulfuric acid is not readily available. Moreover, the hazards of using a weaker compound like acetic acid are less.

Table 6. Slurry acidification – effect on emission.

Slurry acidification, reduction of emission, %
NH3 CH4 Odour*
65 40-65 61

*Reduction if combined with drum filter.

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11-Jun-2024 maxwell-dextler-ampofoValuable information.Thanks Sir
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What are the main greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted by liquid slurry?

The majority of GHG emissions from liquid slurry management are in the form of CH4, while N2O is less present and is moreso generated in dry slurry systems.

What is slurry acidification for?

Acidification of slurry helps control the release of NH3.

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