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Swine Production in the Philippines (1/2)

The PHP 160 billion hog industry is the second leading contributor to Philippine agriculture coming in second to rice despite being almost exclusively without government subsidy.
The Philippines is located in Southeast Asia. It is an archipelago with a total area of 300,000 Km2 wherein 32% is devoted to agriculture. Its 2007 census showed that it had a population of 88.57 million but the July 2008 estimate is already 92.68 million. The derived annual per capita pork consumption in 2007 was 15.07 kilograms excluding offals and processed meat.

The PHP 160 billion hog industry is the second leading contributor to Philippine agriculture coming in second to rice despite being almost exclusively without government subsidy.

The country’s swine total inventory as of January 1, 2008 was estimated at 13.7 million head, up by 1.80 % compared to last year’s level. Backyard farm initial stocks this year went down by 1.00 % while, commercial farms inventory registered a 9.37 % increase against initial stocks of 2007. About 71 % of the swine population are raised in backyard farms while 29 % are in commercial farms.

The swine industry which accounted for 80 percent of total livestock production registered a 2.72 % growth in 2007. The gain in production was noted during the 2nd and 4th quarters of 2007 when more animals were slaughtered.

In 2007, the average annual price received by farmers was P71.26, about 2.83 % higher than the 2006 price. Similarly, the average wholesale price of live hogs in Metro Manila went up by 0.77 %. Annual average retail price in Metro Manila increased by 0.83 % from the record set the previous year.

The Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS) stated that Philippine hog production dipped slightly from 1.89 tons in 2007 to 1.86 tons in 2008. The most notable decrease in stocks was the numerous losses incurred by farms mainly in Luzon due to diseases like hog cholera, PRRS, Pseudorabies, Swine Flu and Circovirus in the last year. The disease scare was such that farmers immediately sold their pigs for fear of getting hit by the continuing drop in market price while feeling the increase in prices of commercial feed as well as the basic ingredients like corn.

In terms of value, however, the pig sector posted an 11.29% increase with PHP 149.59 billion (USD 3.16 billion) from PHP 134.42 billion (USD 2.84 billion) in 2007. The BAS attributed the growth to improved farm prices which averaged PHP 80.61 (USD 1.70) per kg in 2008 compared to PHP 71.27 (USD1.51) per kg in 2007.

The above pictures show typical backyard pens made of indigenous materials like nipa or cogon grass for roofing, coco lumber, bamboo for sidings and cement for feeders and flooring.

Typical commercial farms above where pigs are housed accordingly in sections i.e. breeding, farrowing, nursery, grower and finisher. During the summer season, pigs from starter to breeders are provided wallows. The pool is cleaned twice a week.

While backyard pens are very cheap, it is estimated that commercial farms will spend around PHP 4000 (€60) per m2. Building Cost Estimate (300 Sow Level).

Area Cost/m2, €
Gestation 720 109
Farrrowig 800 179
Nursey 600 157
Finishig 2000 119

Total Cost of Buildings Ave. 60 €/m2
Seen 88818 times

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20-Jul-2009servando a romanesservando a romanesok
15-Oct-2009servando a romanesservando a romanesyour informantion are very good especially for those who are interested in animal raising.
23-Apr-2010lovely mae aguinaldolovely mae aguinaldowhat are the goals and objectives of swine production in the philippines
17-Jul-2013mirasmirasto be able to produce the needed meat for different kind of consumption
23-Apr-2010lovely mae aguinaldolovely mae aguinaldobackground and information of swine in the Philippines.
19-Jun-2015jerome logroniojerome logronioNICE
06-Nov-2010addisaddisI want information regarding to assessment of swine herd management and major swine health problems
04-Dec-2010naejnaej......please enter other infos., report is great, helpfull for students in agriculture......
14-Dec-2010Alvin ParreñoAlvin Parreñothank you for this information.. it has a great help in my research problem as refference in my stude about the supplementation of Lactic acid on the feed of the post weanling piglets concerning on thier growth performance.. this issue tackles about the present situation on the swine industry here n the philippines and it serves best to all student researcher like me.... hope you can e mail me some information concerning about my study .. thank you..
17-Dec-2010burdzburdzwhat are the goal to achieve small backyard prod.
11-Feb-2011glyn robledoglyn robledovery informative but hopefully efficient method of pork marketing system should be also discuss and given more priority.hogs must be marketed based on carcass quality or in grade system.establish a new distribution channel in order to reduce middlemen which leads to high cost of distribution,lower price to farmers and higher price to final consumers.
22-Feb-2011samsamwhat is the market or demand situation for large pigerry farm in the philippines
22-Feb-2011glyn panesglyn panesIn swine industry, i agree that lot of producers have rich of ideas on production but concerns on standardization of hog prices/marketing system not yet fully established.hope soon it must be!!
02-May-2011mattmattit is nice to learn that pork meat is one of the best livelihood in our country...
07-Sep-2011 jcgmedinaI want to compute for the potential meat production of an area here in the Philippines with reference to the meat consumption of an individual. do we have a formula for that?
11-Nov-2011BobbitBobbitAre you usung EM1 effective microorganism in your swine production?
14-Nov-2011Dr. Zoilo M. LapusDr. Zoilo M. LapusIm using XEMAS, a product that has lactobacilli spp., actinomycetes, mucor spp, azotobacter, bacillus spp. And saccharomyces. It's a biowte degraded safe for animals and humans.
23-Nov-2011ArtArtI am interested in knowing the cost of production of hogs in
the Philippines. What does it cost to raise a hog to 250 pounds? Please advise. Thx. Art.
27-Nov-2011rogeilyn frondarinarogeilyn frondarinai love my subject in animal science
05-Jun-2012gracitagracitahi! do you have any idea how many percentage of swine are being used for meat industry such as san miguel?
19-Aug-2012rolando ariolarolando ariolano proper market and price
19-Aug-2012rolando ariolarolando ariolahigh price of feeds and no market pls need a good adice sir.thanks
22-Aug-2012 NonoyIs it necessary to immunize piglets (before or after weaned)and what immunization vaccine is that?
10-Sep-2012JUNE RICK BORREETAJUNE RICK BORREETAthank you forthis info.
10-Jan-2013jayr agnojayr agnosir, may i know what is the hogs population last 2011 and 2012.,., thank you.,.
21-Apr-2013angelica garmaangelica garmawhat are general status of swine production
(population (commercial and backyard 2010), average per capital consumption, pork supply and demand etc.)
30-Oct-2013Edwin C. Magalona DVMEdwin C. Magalona DVMTry they have a good record on the livestock performance archive
05-May-2013Jonathan VillarJonathan Villar sir, proper handling of piglets during castration.. Do you have videos on swine castration sir?
07-May-2013 pig333Hi Jonathan, you can see a video about piglet castration here:
12-May-2013joseph b. estalillajoseph b. estalillasir environmental concern is my prob ,pls give me info on the most effective means to min foul odor from my piggery
16-May-2013randy cruzrandy cruzgood morning Mr.estalilla our company is in a biogas buisness. First question sir how many population of pigs do you have? Is that a fattener or sows? I suggest that you put up a biogas plant in your farm... search on the internet what benefits you can get by having a biogas... we also have a chemical that is called a odor eliminator that is lees cost and less benefit compare to biogas... please pm me at for further details.. thank you
10-Dec-2013rocky riverarocky riverawe have been able to control odor via rice husk or wood shaving bedding sprayed with beneficial organisms (brand name Fertalive).The organisms decompose organic matter fast rendering the pigpen practically free from fould odor. It's a dry bed system.
30-Jul-2013 tundetireGood day all, i really need to know whether there is specific software for pig farm management and if there is, how could i get one?
30-Jul-2013 tundetireOn biogas, to make it commercially viable for use at our farm or even for sale, what capacity of pig farm could make us reach this goal
04-Nov-2013JoelJoelI am thinking of having a bussines of piggery, Im planing to buy 4 sow and I want to breed them, but before doing that is there a high percentage that your money will get a profit?
04-Nov-2013JoelJoelJust to add is there is a seminar for which I can learn all the process from feeding, breeding and selling your pigs. Its my dream to have a piggery a long time ago and now I want to given it a try but before entering this piggery bussines I should have the right people to help me. Thank you
02-Jun-2014michellemichellepwede po ako makahingi ng copy kung anong mga big companies leading on swine/hog raising in the philippines even in asia. gamitin q lang sana sa research ko. thank you so much and more power. :)
01-Jul-2015louie mallolouie malloGusto ko malaman ang sagot mu michelle
07-Sep-2014ABETABEThi, may market po ba tayo ng 60 above native at mga overfat? marami na kasi kami dito..09128044704
29-Jan-2015Bongolto JohnericBongolto JohnericSir what is the best breed of swine that is good for producing meat.
10-Apr-2015 pijeme.walawalaHello, I'm still new here and new in raising oigs.. I'm only a backyard farmer with 12 pigs right now.. I have 2 questions, and I hope you will be kind enough to answer me. 1. How much is the price of live fattening pigs in the market in Metro Manila?
2. Any one knows where to buy Pilmico feeds near here in Tala North Caloocan? Your help will be greatly appreciated :) Thanks and God bless us all!
01-Jul-2015Louie malloLouie malloThe price of fattening pigs in manila,on the age of 1 1/2 month-2800
01-Sep-2015Nsubuga josephNsubuga josephit lovely but what advise do you offer to me as start in business am in Uganda.
22-Nov-2015Mary Elouise BagonocMary Elouise Bagonocwere can we found the top producing region for swine production here in the philippines?thank you
16-Dec-2016bertbertif we are interested in hog business, is there a way to produced hogs with low feed cost and low housing cost? this inputs are the number problem in starting hog business...
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