In Italian swine farming, the presence of outdoor pens is widespread, especially on older farms.
Through an opening in the wall, the pigs can go from the inside to the outside, choosing the environment they consider most suitable.

Things change when a worker enters the pen: the animals become agitated and try to flee by going outside (or vice versa).
One of the reasons workers must enter the pen is to administer prophylactic vaccines.
To properly administer vaccines it is useful to group the animals in a limited area using boards or partitions to avoid repeating the work and also to avoid chases between humans and animals.
When there is an outdoor pen available, it is essential to gather the animals in one of the two spaces, and this requires a person to keep the opening closed with a panel.
Since manpower is always limited, here is this farmer's proposal: a wooden panel that is fixed over the passageway to prevent pigs from crossing.

The photos speak for themselves, so here's just a short description: on one side of the panel there is a metal bracket that rests on the side walls to which a threaded rod is welded, and on the other side there is a bolt with a handle that allows the panel to be held firmly against the wall.