According to scientific research (and farming practice), feeding management of the lactating sow is one of the main factors in the success of a sow farm.
Modern hybrid sows are highly prolific, with low fat reserves and high milk production. If not fed properly during lactation, sows that are too thin at weaning have difficulty conceiving.

Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the lactating sow eats an adequate amount of feed every day.
To increase the daily intake, it is therefore essential to increase the number of feedings: at least 2, if not 3... or more.
But if you don't have an automated system providing many meals requires time and human labor.
This farmer came up with the idea of installing a dry feed distribution line that runs down the back of the aisle of each farrowing room, where a small cart is parked and kept constantly supplied with feed.

All the worker has to do is enter the room, take the cart and feed the sows, and finally put it back in place. Each room has its own cart, so there is no need to move the cart between aisles and rooms, which would waste time and energy.

In this way, each time you enter the farrowing room, you can distribute feed to the sows that need it.