Biosecurity - Location
Sanchez-Osorio stresses that biosecurity is the main tool for ensuring health. The most important aspect of biosecurity is the location of the genetic nuclei. It is essential to find suitable locations in low-density areas with natural barriers that hinder disease transmission.
That is why several years ago Topigs Norsvin moved the Z (Large White) and TN Tempo lines nuclei from the Netherlands to Canada. For the L (Landrace) and TN Duroc lines, the genetic nuclei are in Norway. Both countries provide ideal locations that are extremely isolated.

Health status
At the nucleus level, the objective is for all farms to be triple specific pathogen free (SPF) as defined by Topigs Norsvin, which includes being free of PRRS, Mycoplasma hyopneumoiae, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Brachyspira hyodisenteriae, dermonecrotic toxin-producing Pasteurella multocida, and mange, in addition to all notifiable diseases. He specifies that as of today, almost all nucleus farms already have this status in both maternal and terminal lines and there are plans to achieve this sanitary status in all of them in the next few years. To guarantee this sanitary status, the farms are subject to a strict monitoring program that includes regular controls for each of these diseases.
To ensure that the genetic progress achieved in the nuclei can be disseminated to other countries, the nuclei are connected via semen and through regular imports of boars coming directly from the nuclei. There are annual import plans that includes bringing in animals from Canada and Norway. In addition, there are satellite nuclei in Europe and other countries, which increase production capacity but also serve as a genetic reservoir in case something were to happen on a nucleus farm.
At the local multiplier level, almost all of them are PRRS-free and in recent years the availability of triple SPF breeding sows has increased. However, Sánchez-Osorio points out that, on occasion, customers prioritize the supply of replacements from a multiplier with a lower sanitary status, more similar to that of the customer's farm, to facilitate gilt acclimation to the sanitary conditions of the destination farms.
Another trend that helps reduce sanitary hazards and increase guarantees for our customers is having the multiplication structure in separate phases. In this way, the multiplication farms only have enough gilt rearing space for their own replacements; the rest of the breeding females are raised in external units, the sizes of which are adapted to the production capacity of the multiplication farm which allows all-in-all-out working systems.
The location and biosecurity requirements for these gilt development farms are the same as those required for multiplication farms. Each farm, whether it be a multiplication farm or a gilt development farm, has its own designated veterinarian responsible for routine visits and monthly sampling. In the case of gilt development farms, when gilts are shipped to customers, sampling is done more frequently to reduce the time between sampling and shipment.
Boar studs
At the boar stud level, Topigs Norsvin has its own brand, AIM. One of the working strategies implemented in recent years has been separating the dose preparation laboratories from the barns where boars are housed and semen is collected.
This strategy offers several benefits:
- Reduces the sanitary risk by working with multiple moderate-sized barns (100-250 boars), achieving safer management of boar entry into the barns. With this measure, the impact of any sanitary problems is reduced and it facilitates distribution maintenance and service replacing the affected barn.
- Improves biosecurity levels by reducing the number of vehicles and personnel traveling to the barn. The vehicles that transport semen between the barns and the laboratory are exclusive vehicles that have no contact with any other farm.
In the last three years, molecular biology laboratories have been implemented to diagnose PRRS by q-PCR in key markets (such as Spain or US). PRRS monitoring has increased significantly in the last few years always going beyong the legal requeriments
In recent years, great effort has been made to work with companies on an exclusive basis. We work with a limited number of trusted companies, which designate specific vehicles to service Topigs Norsvin. In addition, movements are prioritized according to the sanitary status of the farms, both at origin and destination.
One measure that has improved the disinfection of transport vehicles has been implementing a random, unannounced system to monitor cleaning. Regardless of whether the drivers present their cleaning and disinfection certificates, any truckload of boars, gilts, breeding females, etc. can be examined by sampling to assess the microbial load in the trailer, cabin, etc. at any time and without prior notice. If there are unsatisfactory results, corrective measures are taken.