Raul Venier and Stefano Lorenzetti from the farm Az. Agr. Venier, in Italy, have explained this idea to us.
To keep the piglets clean and to ensure their wellbeing during the carrying out of different handling procedures or the relocation of animals.

To put slats in the bottom of a trolley that will be used to place or transport animals.
With this system we have improved noticeably the confort of the handling and the transportation of the animals. During the adoptions or the castration procedures, the piglets can remain in the trolley for some minutes without problems.
Another advantage is that the bottom of the trolley is the part that is mostly damaged and, in this case, it can be easily changed. On the other hand, the cleaning of the trolley is quicker and easier.
Adding paper we can improve the wellbeing of the piglets, because they remain drier and hotter.