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Waterproof bags can make cell phone entry more biosecure


When was the last time that you disinfected your cellphone?

A cellphone inside a waterproof bag.
A cellphone inside a waterproof bag.


The use of waterproof bags to safely introduce cellphone devices into swine facilities.


It's a well-known fact that cell phones are highly contaminated objects due to their intensive use and our inability to sanitize them properly. It can be dangerous to expose your highly valued electronic devices to the liquid sanitizers often used for this purpose. But, when was the last time that you disinfected your cellphone? Isn’t it true that more and more people feel they need to have their phone with them at all times? Even inside farms while managing and visiting pig production units people want to be connected or use their devise during their job. So this biosecurity challenge is a very common concern since a contaminated cell phone has the potential to act as a fomite when introduced in a farm.

In order to address this issue, some farm managers are providing durable plastic bags that are commercially designed for using cell phones underwater. The cell phone is put into the bag as it passes through the supply entry window and the user recovers their biosecure phone on the clean side after they have showered into the facility. These bags always stay on the clean side of the premises facility and will be properly disinfected and returned to their storage location after every use.

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05-Feb-2019 jakeI use small sealable disposable human food bags. Use a new one every time and dispose as you leave the farm. Easy, effective and cheap!
05-Feb-2019 EMGDisinfection is important for Your personal hygienie, I dilute tea tree oil with water and clean my phone every day.
06-Feb-2019 BDLWe use clear snap-lock kitchen bags for food etc. Cheap, simple and disposable.
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