Andréia Gonçalves Arruda

Ohio State University - United States Author

Dr. Andréia Arruda is originally from Brazil, where she graduated as a veterinarian from São Paulo State University in 2010. While working on her DVM degree, she was part of an international exchange program in which she worked for one year in a 1,200-sow farrow-to-wean farm in a small town in the North region of Minnesota, USA.
Dr. Arruda decided to follow a research career and in 2011, she returned to the U.S., where she started her training as a scientist graduating with a Master in Science from the University of Minnesota in 2012. In 2013, she moved to Canada to pursue a Ph.D. in Epidemiology at the University of Guelph, which she finalized in 2015. She then held a one-year research position at the University of Minnesota (Post-Doctoral Associate), and then joined the Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine at The Ohio State University as an Assistant Professor in 2017.
Dr. Arruda’s main research interest is in infectious disease epidemiology. She aims to better understand how emerging and re-emerging diseases spread between farms and, therefore, how to control and prevent them. During the last years spent in Ontario and Minnesota, she had the opportunity to work closely with swine producers and veterinarians to better understand how the current complexity of the North American swine production system impact the epidemiology of infectious diseases, more specifically, the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS).

Updated CV 02-Sep-2019

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