Antoni Dalmau

IRTA. Spain - Spain Author

Lines of research

1.- Study of the stress; social and feeding behaviour, and adaptation to the environment of hoofed animals.

2.- Study of animal welfare indicators in swine and cattle in the farm and the abattoir.

3.- Aversion, fear, pain and abnormal behaviours test in swine.

4.- Use of mixtures of alternative gases to CO2 for the stunning of pigs and evaluation of the efficacy of the stunning in commercial abattoirs.

5.- Animal welfare and slaughter for the obtaining of Halal and Kosher meat from ruminants and fowl.

Prominent projects

1.- Animal welfare indicators of the montanera (free-range foraging in the holm oak and cork oak forests) production system of the Iberian pig and alternatives to the surgical castration of males and females: ethological, productive, reproductive, and meat and carcass quality implications. INIA (2011-2013)

2.- Effect of the resting time in the control posts on the welfare of sheep transported over long distances. Italian National Investigation Program (2011).

3.- Preparatory action on control posts. DG-SANCO (2011-2012).

4.- Animal welfare: a common interest subject for the collaboration between Catalonia and Quebec. AGAUR-Cones-2011.

5.- Development of Animal Welfare Risk Assessment Guidelines on Housing and Management. EFSA.

6.- Study on the improved methods for animal-friendly production, in particular on alternatives to the castration of pigs and on alternatives to the dehorning of cattle (ALCASDE). DG-SANCO.

7.- Religious slaughter: improving knowledge and expertise through dialogue and debate on issues relative to welfare, legislation and socio-economic aspects. Specific Support Action. EU.

8.- Alternatives to the surgical castration for the improvement of the animal welfare and to favour the efficiency and the meat and the carcass quality. INIA.

9.- Stunning with nitrogen: effect on animal welfare and the quality of the end product in swine. CICYT.

10.- Integration of animal welfare in the food quality chain: from public concern to improved welfare and transparent quality (Welfare Quality). Eu. FP6.

Updated CV 15-Jan-2013

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15-Nov-2016davevzIs there any data that would back up putting in sprinklers in finishing barns
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Pig vision and management/handling

Pigs have a panoramic vision of 310º and binocular vision of 35-50º (Fig. 1). This means that compared to humans, pigs prioritise their lateral monocular vision and this increases their panoramic vision (greater capacity for detecting possible danger, food, other pigs, etc) and decreases their bifocal vision (greater difficulty for calculating distances).

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15-May-2017Sir PiggytonOINK OINK!

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