Antoni Dalmau
IRTA. Spain - Spain AuthorLines of research
1.- Study of the stress; social and feeding behaviour, and adaptation to the environment of hoofed animals.
2.- Study of animal welfare indicators in swine and cattle in the farm and the abattoir.
3.- Aversion, fear, pain and abnormal behaviours test in swine.
4.- Use of mixtures of alternative gases to CO2 for the stunning of pigs and evaluation of the efficacy of the stunning in commercial abattoirs.
5.- Animal welfare and slaughter for the obtaining of Halal and Kosher meat from ruminants and fowl.
Prominent projects
1.- Animal welfare indicators of the montanera (free-range foraging in the holm oak and cork oak forests) production system of the Iberian pig and alternatives to the surgical castration of males and females: ethological, productive, reproductive, and meat and carcass quality implications. INIA (2011-2013)
2.- Effect of the resting time in the control posts on the welfare of sheep transported over long distances. Italian National Investigation Program (2011).
3.- Preparatory action on control posts. DG-SANCO (2011-2012).
4.- Animal welfare: a common interest subject for the collaboration between Catalonia and Quebec. AGAUR-Cones-2011.
5.- Development of Animal Welfare Risk Assessment Guidelines on Housing and Management. EFSA.
6.- Study on the improved methods for animal-friendly production, in particular on alternatives to the castration of pigs and on alternatives to the dehorning of cattle (ALCASDE). DG-SANCO.
7.- Religious slaughter: improving knowledge and expertise through dialogue and debate on issues relative to welfare, legislation and socio-economic aspects. Specific Support Action. EU.
8.- Alternatives to the surgical castration for the improvement of the animal welfare and to favour the efficiency and the meat and the carcass quality. INIA.
9.- Stunning with nitrogen: effect on animal welfare and the quality of the end product in swine. CICYT.
10.- Integration of animal welfare in the food quality chain: from public concern to improved welfare and transparent quality (Welfare Quality). Eu. FP6.
Updated CV 15-Jan-2013