Antonio Callén
Merial Laboratorios SA - Spain AuthorI'm in charge of the technical service for the swine range of Merial. As a consequence I have to gather information about swine topics and train our salesforce and customers in the right use of our products. Organization of field trials and writing of documents related to our range is another important task. I must prepare and give talks about our products and other swine related topics. Last but not least, I'm in charge of the pharmocovigilance of the swine range.
Swine Technical Manager en Merial Laboratorios S.A
Vet Technical Service Swine en INVE PREMIX IBERICA S.A.
Technical Manager Pig Fattening Units in AGROSA
Consultant en Swine advisor as a freelance
Assistant Lecturer en Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad de Zaragoza
Vet Technical Service Production Animals in Intervet
Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad de León
Institut Agrnomique Veterinaire de Zaragoza (IAMZ)
Universidad de Zaragoza
Iowa State University
Updated CV 14-May-2013