Arlette Laval

ONIRIS Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire Agro-alimentaire et de l’Alimentation Nantes Atlantique - France Author


1971: Veterinarian (DVM) from The Veterinary School in Lyon, France.
1977: Passed the Higher Nationwide  Competitive Exam in Cattle, swine and poultry Medicine at the National Veterinary School (Agregation).
1982: National Veterinary Medicine School Alfort : Certificate of Medical and Comparative Immunology.
1985: National Institute of Agronomy : Upper-level Course in Domestic Animal Feeding.
1986: Statistical Studies applied to Medicine : Course of methodology and Statistics applied to Clinical Research.
1989: D.E.A (Post-Graduate Diploma) in Microbial Ecology. Claude Bernard University, France
2005: Diplomate of the European College of Pig Health Management (ECPHM)


Former positions

  • 1970-1980: teaching at Veterinary School of Lyon
  • 1980-1997: Professor at the Veterinary School of Alfort
  • Member of the Commission for Marketing Authorisations of Veterinary Medical Products, from 1991 to 2010.
  • Professor: Head of the Farm Animals Medicine Department, in charge of the Pedagogic Unit of Swine Health and Production. National Veterinary Medicine Faculty in Nantes,  France, from 1997 to 2012.
  • In charge of courses on pig and poultry diseases at Thu Duc University (Vietnam) from 1994 to 2012.
  • Head of the French Committee for the specialization in Swine Health and Production, until 2012.


Present positions

  • Private expert for efficacy and safety of veterinary medicaments.
  • Expert to the Court of Appeals of Rennes.
  • Member of the Expert Committee for Animal Heath of ANSES (French Agency for Health and Food Safety), working on resistance to antibiotics, autogenous vaccines, avian and porcine influenza, zinc oxide, PED, welfare....
  • Member of the French Academy of Agriculture since 2014.


Main research activities

  • Evaluation of safety and efficacy of veterinary drugs: vaccines and anti-infectious agents in swine and poultry, especially for adjuvants of vaccines.
  • Bactériology:
    • Epidemiology of swine and bovine salmonellosis.
    • Swine leptospirosis.
    • Follow up of bacterial resistance to antibiotics after use in swine and poultry medicine.
  • Clinical research: follow up of bovine and porcine farms exposed to stray voltages.

Updated CV 02-Oct-2014

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04-Jul-2016Tim Kingabout the commenpt on the end of this artical: "We must not forget that it might be a “BSE moment” for the swine industry, one that demonstrates the folly of feeding parts of pigs to pigs, leading to the emergence of exotic diseases."Since it is a "pen-animal" diseases, not only pig eating pig, but also eating other animal debreedss will get it.

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