Armando Rafael Fuentes Pérez

Veterinarian - Chile Author

Nationality: Venezuelan


Pregraduate: Central University of Venezuela, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/Science (1982). DVM.
Postgraduate: Central University of Venezuela, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/Science (1989). MSc in Animal Reproduction.

Civil servant at the National Institute of Agricultural Research (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas, INIA), previously called FONAIAP, from July 16th 1969 to January 3rd, 2005.

Posts held

• Technological Negotiation Coordinator. National Centre of Agricultural Research (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones agropecuarias, CENIAP), INIA, from July 2001 to 2004.

• Director (E) of the CENIAP, INIA. Institute Chief. I.I.Z. 1989-1992 CENIAP INIA

• Chief of the Animal Reproduction Department. Institute of Livestock Research. IIZ CENIAP INIA

Retired as Researcher V maximum level

Lines of research

Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination in all animal species. Specialised in swine. Pig nutrition and reproduction.

Publications: Peer reviewed, informational, reports, books, press articles and others.

Teaching area: Central University of Venezuela (UCV), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/Science. Sheep and goat reproduction in the reproduction postgraduate studies as coordinator. Also in the UCV's Swine Medicine postgraduate studies. Experimental National University Rómulo Gallegos (UNERG). Animal Reproduction postgraduate studies at the University of Zulia (LUZ).        
6 postgraduate tutorings and 12 pregraduate tutorings.

Honours and awards received

Order “Dr. Elio Romero González” and Order “Dr. Tomas Rodill” in Maracay, Venezuela

Award for the project “Changes in the animal reproductive and productive responses due to nutritional factors” as the project with the biggest scientific and technological impact in the 1998-2000 period.

Award for the CENIAP's XLV Anniversary given by the POLAR FOUNDATION. Honourable Mention in the animal area.

SOVVEC's Order of Merit award, in its second category, to the scientific report “Seroprevalence of Aujeszky's disease virus in sows housed in individual stalls according to the dimensions and the kind of flooring”. October 1993. SOVVEC's Congress.

Scientific Associations

- Life member at the Pig Reproduction and Artificial Insemination International Scientific Committee, with its headquarters in Madrid (Spain).

- Vice-president and President (1988-2018) of the Swine Specialists' Veterinary Society of Venezuela (SOVVEC).


• Author of the SGP Program (Swine Management System) (Software).

• Creator and Director of the AF’S PIG SCHOOL: Virtual Porcine School. 20 publications in YouTube to this date.

• Research for the development of lysozyme-based products in pig reproduction at the company AGRIQUIMVET, Venezuela.

• Currently, he is a consultant to national and international pig companies in the production, reproduction and artificial insemination areas.

Updated CV 23-Jul-2018

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