Carles Casanovas

Swine veterinarian - Spain Author
  • Graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in 1998.
  • Master’s degree in swine production in 1998 (University of Aberdeen).
  • Certified by the European College of Porcine Health Management (ECPHM) in 2013.

Since graduating he has worked as a swine consultant, concentrating mainly on:

  • Production, financial, and health assessments of pig farms.
  • Training applied to the production systems themselves, adapted to the reals needs of each farm.
  • Adjusting different production systems (batch management every 2, 3, 4, 5 or 3-2 weeks) to the reality of each farm’s production in order to get the most out of the facilities and the staff.
  • Start-up of new farms and staff teams, as well as to organize management guidelines in already established production systems.

He has participated in several seminars for farmers and veterinarians at a national and international level, and he has published many articles and case studies, mainly for Pig333 (3tres3) and the magazine Suis.

In September of 2014 he joined IDT Biologika's international team to manage its technical services in Spain and Portugal.

In July of 2019 he joined the CEVA Animal Health technical service team.

Updated CV 23-Jun-2020

Encalostramiento de lechones

Piglet colostrum intake

Colostrum offers 3 essential properties to the piglet: very useful energy source (vital for generating movement and avoiding temperature loss), immune supply (protects against germs that the piglet begins to come into contact with) and natural growth factors (complete the maturity of the piglet).

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23-Dec-2013Sandie O. PadreIts good to have a website like this. It will help a lot our backyard as well as small swine farm owners on technology adoption to be more profitable in this kind of industry.
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20-Oct-2009AlmosI wonder mr Carles Casanovas if I could download his presentations in my laptop somewhere?
They are wherry interesting.

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