How is batch farrowing systems affecting the outcome after a PRRS outbreak?
Moving away from weekly batch management improved Time to stability, Time to baseline production and Total Piglet losses per 1,000 sows after a PRRS outbreak.
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What makes us stand out is the quality and independence of our contents. Find out about the authors who make it possible. Our goal is to generate a virtual community of advanced users in the sector.
Education/professional experience:
DVM – Universidade Federal de Goias, Brazil (2003)
2006 – 2009: Production and Health Supervisor (Agroceres PIC, Brazil)
MBA – Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, Brazil(2007)
PhD – Veterinary Population Medicine (swine diseases ecology) University of Minnesota, USA (2013)
2013 – 2015: Technical Services, Health Assurance& Product Validation Manager (Agroceres PIC, Brazil)
Research interests
Applied research on swine health and productivity challenges, including evaluation of strategies to a) reduce frequency of new pathogen introduction, and to b) increase success rate and effectiveness of pathogen control & elimination programs. Ongoing projects include field research with PRRSv, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Influenza A virus and Senecavirus A (former Seneca Valley) virus.
Education interests
My aspiration is to prepare graduate students to understand the big picture of production animal industry challenges and opportunities. My mission is to offer opportunities and encourage graduate students to develop independent, critical thinking skills, guiding them to focus on the solution and to think of possible ways to positively impact the industry using applied science.
Updated CV 06-Oct-2015
Moving away from weekly batch management improved Time to stability, Time to baseline production and Total Piglet losses per 1,000 sows after a PRRS outbreak.
In this article we will focus the discussion on the practical applications of the new monitoring systems.
Here we will focus the discussion on the practical applications and on lessons learned from recent field studies on response strategies for PRRSV management in affected breeding herds.
With more herds breaking with highly virulent PRRS strains, what can we do to prevent and control infection? How does the 1-4-4 L1C strain differ?
This PRRSV strain is affecting the U.S. Understanding where these viruses come from can help us stop this cycle.
Intranasal and intratracheal inoculation routes as well as aerosolization with foggers are discussed.
Oral fluids are practical, fast, easy, cost-effective and reliable methods for sampling pig populations, but it has not been easy or practical to obtain such samples from suckling piglets...
The purpose of this study was to compare efficacy of LCE (load-close-expose) using attenuated PRRSV to that using live-virus exposure on breeding herds acutely infected with PRRSv.
A method to quantify the relative economic importance of pig health status at placement by specific pathogens (PRRSv and PEDv) and to estimate the effect of a specific type of PRRSv at a specific production system is presented.
It seems we have a new virus able to produce vesicular disease in pig populations.
Senecavirus A (SVA) has been suggested as a causative agent of idiopathic vesicular disease in pigs. Additionally, a neonatal losses syndrome, affecting piglets of 0-7 days of age, associated with SVA has recently been reported.
About 50% of the vehicles used for transporting pigs in the United States are not washed between loads, so this article evaluates the ability of heating treatments to inactivate PRRSv present in manure-contaminated environments.
Is the right strategy to get a farm stable, that is, control clinical signs reducing the economic impact of the disease; or should a farm adopt strategies to go “negative”? As for other questions in the epidemiological field, our answer is “it depends”.
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