Understanding liquidation is key to forecasting Chinese ASF price outlook globally
The current situation in China has many similarities to the old-time hog cycle liquidation phase.
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Biocheck.UGent is an independent, risk-based, scientific scoring system for assessing the quality of your on-farm biosecurity.
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Biocheck.UGent is an independent, risk-based, scientific scoring system for assessing the quality of your on-farm biosecurity.
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Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
Simulator that calculates the amount of drug to add to the water when using a flow dispenser.
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Dennis DiPietre received the BSA and MS degrees from the University of Arkansas and the Ph.D. with Research Excellence from Iowa State University in 1986. During this period he was a Research Associate of the Columbia Center for Futures, Columbia University, New York. Dr. DiPietre has participated in continuing education from the USDA in Agricultural Ethics and from Harvard University (Senior Program on Negotiation) and the University of Chicago (Optimization Modeling in the Presence of Risk).
From 1991 until 1999 he served as Extension Associate Professor and Leader of the Commercial Agriculture Swine-Focus Team at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Beginning in 1999 he spent two years working in the area of e-commerce for agriculture as Director of the Food Applications Group at E-Markets, Inc. and as the Associate Director of the Center for Information Systems and Structural Change at the University of Minnesota.
A consultant to agricultural and food industries since the mid 1980s, Dr. DiPietre now consults full time both nationally and internationally with leading production companies, packers, genetics and pharmaceutical companies as well as industry associations. His practice focuses on innovation, precision production and marketing, cost containment, optimization modeling and negotiation.
A frequent speaker to pork producers, swine veterinary practitioners, industry and agricultural associations and industry management, he has co-authored a popular University textbook in Farm Management and contributed chapters to three other books as well as numerous refereed journal articles and contributions to professional meetings and societies. A published journal article co-authored by Dr. DiPietre was selected for inclusion in the Core Historical Literature of Agriculture at Cornell University, a selected compendium of the key contributions to agricultural science and literature over the last 200 years.
Dr. DiPietre is a recipient of the Missouri Governor’s Award for Quality and Productivity, and while at university, numerous teaching, advising and research awards. He is a Leman Fellow of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV).
Updated CV 23-Sep-2013
The current situation in China has many similarities to the old-time hog cycle liquidation phase.
Pork supply, pork consumption and purchasing power in China, US and China trade war and globalism are some of the balls in play and many more are to come.
Dennis DiPietre is increasingly convinced that 2019 is setting up to be the year of the great pork price mirage.
How is the increase in global meat production, low-cost coarse grains and ASF going to affect pig production?
There is no doubt if the disease is discovered in a major piglet or pork producing/exporting country such as Denmark, Germany, Spain or the USA, the mortality it causes would be only the beginning of the woes.
As a producer, aligning with a packer-processor that is exhibiting the characteristics of a long-term successful and resilient player with access to the global market is critical for success regardless of how efficient you have become as a producer.
7% drop in belly price in a single day is signaling the end of the summer seasonal prices.
There was a time when pig price was determined by seasonal patterns and total production… Now the belly price is driving the carcass price in the United States.
Being a high performing farm is not a sufficient condition to future success.
The impact of Chinese tariffs on US pork, the pork exports picture, feed costs forecast and more...
Total forecasted average profitability for the year has eroded some, from about $25/head to around $12/head in the US.
Huge supplies, increasing production and an efficient, coordinated global chain fuels low cost soybean meal, cheap feed and high profits.
How serious is the possibility that US corn production could undergo a substantial reduction in the coming crop year?
We come to the close of a year filled with happy surprises in the hog industry. 2018 will be a year of continued growth in income for most nations throughout the world. Higher incomes bring more demand for pork.
The sentence of the title is a quote from Sheryl Sandburg, COO Facebook. Contrary to all the headline grabbing scary stuff about dictators with missiles and itchy fingers, we appear to be entering a period of wide spread global economic recovery and potential prosperity that will drive big benefits to billions of people and some very special good news for pork producers worldwide.
While the remainder of the year will likely have challenges a little deeper than most are thinking now, it is not looking like a disaster…
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