Sow mortality: When and where? (2/2)
To reduce mortality, it is essential to diagnose the causes. To do so, we must answer four basic questions: how, who, when, and where? In this article, we'll address the latter two.
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Biocheck.UGent is an independent, risk-based, scientific scoring system for assessing the quality of your on-farm biosecurity.
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Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
Simulator that calculates the amount of drug to add to the water when using a flow dispenser.
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He was born in Barcelona in 1963, obtained his degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Saragossa (Spain) in 1986, specializing in Animal Production. In years 1990 and 1991 he lived in Great Britain, Holland, Germany, Denmark, and USA, studying and practising with specialists in the swine sector.
In year 1991 he founded the swine consultancy B&M c.v.p. together with his partner José Barceló, and in 1995 the consultancy expanded with a new partner: Miquel Collell. In 2006, together with Miquel Collell, and through MARCO I COLLELL SL, he continued offering his consultancy services: control and diagnosis of diseases, production control and farm management, epidemiology, environmental control, biosafety, and human resources. Among his clients we find genetics companies, large companies (10,000-30,000 sows), cooperatives, independent producers, Veterinary Medicine faculties, pharmacological companies, feed mills, and international organizations, and since December 2012 he does this through his own company: MARCO VETGRUP SL.
Enric Marco is a member of different professional associations (Veterinarians’ Official College of Barcelona, Pig Veterinary Soc., ANAPORC, Member of the Scientific Committee of the Swine Pathology and Production MSc degree organized by the Veterinary Medicine Faculty at the Autonomous University of Barcelona), he has published articles in several specialized magazines and has held several conferences at a national and international level).
Updated CV 06-May-2015
To reduce mortality, it is essential to diagnose the causes. To do so, we must answer four basic questions: how, who, when, and where? In this article, we'll address the latter two.
To reduce mortality, it is essential to diagnose the causes. To do so, we must answer four basic questions: how, who, when, and where? In this article, we'll address the first two.
The knowledge and the experience of the veterinarian are important, but not enough. The most valuable information will be provided by the farmer, because they know their pigs and many details that the veterinarian may not see or know.
Many times we become surprised when we see the contents that come out of the pipes when we empty them out for the first time...
We must assure correct management, primarily in the following points: Number of animals / drinker, placement, flow, control of water consumption, design and height of the drinker.
A commercial product is formed by a combination of the active ingredients and excipients. The active ingredient is the compound with therapeutic properties and the excipient is what is added to transform the active ingredients into a combination suitable for administration.
Knowing the pattern of pig drinking behavior is essential for effective treatments.
Enric Marco examines the reasons why the average age at weaning has not yet reached 28 days in Spain.
We must know the environmental conditions to be able to correctly estimate water consumption.
A systematic review evaluating the effects of inducing farrowing on stillbirth rate, birth weight, preweaning mortality, weaning weight, farrowing duration, and colostrum and milk characteristics.
Upon medicating water, the doses should be repeated with a time interval that prevents plasma levels from dropping below the minimum effective concentration and exceeding the toxic concentration.
Medicating water using a tank is an easy and flexible method used to administer drugs, but it can be imprecise if the products we use aren’t totally soluble.
You can also facilitate your work using our Water Medication Calculator to perform the calculations.
Are you aware that using certain medications in acidified water may limit their efficacy? Do you know the pH of the water before starting a medication in water?
What causes can lead to increased feed conversion ratio and mortality with worsened average daily gain?
What can produce an increase in the feed conversion ratio and mortality without affecting average daily gain?
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