Are there a greater number of abortions happening in a certain parity?
Abortions distributed evenly among all parities

Do I have dead pregnant sows? What could be the cause?
If my farrowing rate is low, but the returns to estrus, abortions, and culled pregnant sows are all normal, I probably have dead sows...

Practical biosecurity between batches
Not all progress is made through "smart farming." Here's a simple solution that can greatly improve biosecurity between batches of weaned piglets, preventing recirculation of disease.

What can we expect from the new ASF vaccine developed in China?
This vaccine looks promising, but... are we going to see it in Europe?

COVID-19 persistence on different materials practical implications
Farm biosecurity is key to preventing the entrance of new infections and pig diseases, but human diseases can also be devastating: Covid-19 can put the human teams on our farms at risk.

How do I know if my replacement gilts are really protected against PRRS?
Which tests should be performed considering their limitations, and what management practices to use to increase security.

How much ASF virus does it take to cause an infection through intake of water or feed?
In a world where feed ingredients are marketed globally, do we know the minimum infectious dose to transmit the ASF virus in feed? And in water?

Farms combining high performance and low antimicrobial usage
Producing well with a low antimicrobial usage: Is it possible in high pig-density areas? And, what is the role of the age at weaning?

ASF: can flies transmit the virus to pigs?
Enric Marco comments on the practical implications of a recent article investigating the transmission of ASF through ingestion of flies.

Is PEDv spread via semen?
Enric Marco comments on the practical implications of a recent research article about PEDv excretion in semen.

Practical approach to the critical control points of post-weaning diarrhoea on the farm
Enric Marco sums up the essential points to control post-weaning diarrhoea in our farm.

Economics of the medication in the water
After the banning of antibiotics as growth promoters, there was an increase in their total consumption due to the therapeutics treatments...

Salmonella: control during the transportation stage
When exposed, the pigs get infected in less time than the length of the transportation and the waiting period (prior to the slaughter) in the abattoir.