Eric van Heugten

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC - United States Author

Education background:

1993 Ph.D. in Nutrition, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
1989 B.S., M.S. in Animal Science, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands

Professional experience:

Associate Professor, 2003 to present, North Carolina State University, Dept. Animal Science, NC
Visiting Scientist (Sabbatical leave), May 2006-Aug. 2006, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Assistant Professor, 1997-2003, North Carolina State University, Dept. Animal Science, NC
Swine Research Nutritionist, 1994-1997, Continental Grain Company, Chicago, IL
Post Doctoral Research Associate, 1993-1994, NC State University, Dept. Animal Science, NC

Dr. van Heugten is actively involved in developing multi-facetted extension education programs that have direct applicability to swine production. He has published over 250 articles related to swine nutrition to date.

Updated CV 24-Dec-2012

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