Francesc Baucells Alibés
Baucells Alibés SA (BALSA) - Spain Author
Graduated in veterinary science at the Universidad de Zaragoza in 1993.
His professional work is connected to the family business, Baucells Alibés, S.A. (BALSA), a result of the professional work of his father, Joan Baucells Pujol. His main branch of work is in porcine nutrition and he has held the following positions:
• Responsible for nutrition at Pinsos Baucells, S.A. until 2002. Manufacturer of animal feed (200,000 tonnes/year), swine and meat industry producer.
• Regional Manager of Imasde Agropecuaria, S.L. for the Northeast zone of Spain (2003-2004). A company that served the agroalimentary sector in the areas of R+D+i, food safety and the environment.
• Associate lecturer at the Veterinary Faculty of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona since 1999. Teaching in areas related to manufacturing of animal feed and the formulation of porcine diets.
• Technical manager of nutrition and research, specialising in swine, at Baucells Alibés, S.A. until the present. A company that manufactures vitamin and mineral mixes, offers livestock services (nutrition, health, reproduction and handling) and commerciales zoosanitary products.
He has a wide range of experience in carrying out experiments in porcine nutrition at experimental farms and in normal field conditions. He has participated in many different research projects, contributed to scientific journals and spoken at congresses.
Updated CV 10-Jan-2013